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All Press coverage
April 2022

Package Goods Brands Can See How eCommerce Marketing Impacts Sales in IRI and Profitero Deal
February 2022

The Game Within The Game: How Brand Conquesting Took On A New Twist During The Super Bowl
February 2022

It’s the Super Bowl of First-party Data as Brands Sharpen Personalization With Big Game Buys
February 2022
Amazon’s healthcare ambitions have big implications for startups and third-party sellers
January 2022
A difficult quarter for third-party sellers spells headwinds for Amazon’s retail marketplace
December 2021

How Amazon advertisers can surpass supply-chain issues and get products in front of customers this holiday season
November 2021

Amazon Remains Cheapest Place to Shop Even as Inflation Drives up Prices, but Walmart’s Closing in
November 2021

Amazon and Walmart are in an intense pricing battle as this holiday season gears up to be 'the most expensive of all time'
October 2021

The top 10 Halloween costumes people are searching for on Amazon, from 'Squid Game' to 'Cruella DeVille'
September 2021

What Brands Should Know About Gen Alpha—and How COVID Has Shifted Marketing Priorities
August 2021

As Parents Shop for Back-to-School Gear, Many Are Also in the Market for Back-to-Work Necessities
August 2021

Back-to-school shopping: What's different amid COVID-19; how to avoid school supply shortages
June 2021

Envision Horizons’ Laura Meyer Offers Tips To Brands For Before, During And After Amazon Prime Day
May 2021

Profitero’s Sarah Hofstetter on Unleashing Your Inner Diva and the Importance of Adaptability
February 2021

DUNKIN’ Puts Its Spin on the NHL Bubble and Sales Verdict Still Out on That Weird Oatly Super Bowl Ad
February 2021

How Food Brands Must Adapt to Changing Online Shopping Needs As Consumers Embrace eCommerce
February 2021

Tony’s Chocolonely in top 10 searches on Amazon UK as chocolate sales up by 78% in January
November 2020

Profitero’s Bryan Wiener and Johnson & Johnson’s Surabhi Pokhriyal: COVID’s impact on eCommerce and Consumer Shopping Behavior
March 2020

Coronavirus Increases Demand For Online Grocery Shopping As Retailers Struggle To Keep Up
July 2019

Amazon completely invented Prime Day, and now it has grown to rival Black Friday and Cyber Monday
November 2018

Walmart May Be Catching Up To Amazon On Prices But Still Has A Ways To Go, Study Shows
September 2018

Amazon now sells 30 own-label coffee lines in the UK. Here's what this tells us about its grocery strategy
November 2017
Lego, Amazon and Nintendo top ‘most wished-for’ product lists online ahead of Christmas
October 2017
Profitero: Amazon leads online price war in non-consumables, a close second
May 2017
How Amazon is crushing rivals like Walmart in a burgeoning tech war over the future of retail
April 2017
Ten ways to maximise online sales as UK crowned thirstiest European country for alcohol online
February 2017
Online pricing strategies were used to capitalise on New Year fitness market, says Profitero
November 2016
Quel sera l’impact d’Amazon sur l'avenir du commerce alimentaire en Europe et notamment en France?
November 2016
The Christmas toys you WILL be buying - but prices for the gifts can differ by 70% as the holiday price war starts early
October 2016
Hasbro and Lego lead e-commerce race for best-selling toys and games approaching Christmas season, Profitero reports
August 2016
How analysts are reacting to the deal: Price seems steep but comes with brainpower
July 2016
Profitero puts European e-commerce trends – AmazonFresh, Prime Now and Brexit – under the spotlight
June 2016
Brands can accelerate e-commerce performance with Profitero’s Digital Shelf 360 analytics suite
June 2016
Amazon Fresh at least 17% cheaper than big four rivals, Profitero study reveals (gated content)
May 2016
Walmart tweaks ‘Shipping Pass’ offering during its pilot phase, hopes to better compete with Amazon
April 2016